Optimize and troubleshoot

Our Criteo experts have compiled all the information you need to measure your campaign’s performance and optimize its results. 

Do a quick health check

  1. Is Criteo One tag properly setup ?

    Learn how to troubleshoot with our Criteo One Tag troubleshooting page

  2. What about your Campaign Setup?  

    • Make sure your Campaign level spend limits is 1.5X higher than your Ad Set budgets

    • Make sure you have dynamic and native formats enabled under “Ads”

    • For acquisition audiences, make sure you've included your site visitors by toggling on 'Target non-buyers' within Audience.

    • Consider removing limitations on inventory (full environments, no contextual filters), allowing Criteo to reach the users in the right place at the right time to maximize your campaign.

  3. Check your catalog and events quality score, the higher, the better.  

    • Are you seeing a Product issue in the Events Status? Consider checking that your product ids are the same between your website and catalog feed.

  4. Re-evaluate your Cost Controller (CPM, CPC, CPO…) to ensure it aligns with your marketing goals. 

    • Are you seeing less than five on-site conversions per day? Consider changing your objective to Visits or launching an acquisition campaign to drive more people to your site that you can convert. 

  5. Now that you have baseline data, use the Performance Planner to explore how your live ad sets may perform in the future or experiment with a simulation to explore future strategies. 

Need more insights? Check our Analytics module 

The analytics module allows you to gain insight into your campaigns and monitor your data in a flexible way. 

Learn how to use Criteo’s Analytics module