Switching to the Dynamic Loader Script for Criteo OneTag

The Dynamic Loader is a JavaScript code snippet that is placed just after the opening <head> HTML tag of a website (typically in a global header include file) so that it is present and runs on every page of the site. It activates all Criteo tag events that are placed on the different pages of your website, enabling them to work and track the different user activities, so these can be made available in Criteo’s reports.  

The Dynamic Loader is the latest script, replacing the previous older script, known as the Static Loader.

Due to its more flexible construction, the Dynamic Loader makes it possible to pass events and other data dynamically, without the limitation of a static setup. This means better and more consistent events tracking and improved measurements of different metrics.

Some benefits of updating to the Dynamic Loader include: 

  • Gradual introduction of new features and improvements to your OneTag library

  • Controlled testing to ensure a smooth transition and minimize disruptions

  • Flexibility for selective rollout to specific partners and conducting A/B testing

  • Real-world testing of new features before official release

  • Customization to meet your specific requirements and integrate partner-specific features

  • Comprehensive tracking of user activities for improved measurement and insights

  • If correctly installed on all the pages of an advertiser's website, it can prevent "tagging gaps", i.e. non -tagged pages (the Visit event). This can result in an improvement in the measurement of visits, qualified visits, bounce rates, etc, giving better visibility into the user’s journey, which may improve campaign results.