Store Directory

1 - Why should I share this data?

In order to run Store Conversions campaigns, we need to understand the location of your stores and key information that shoppers need to visit.

We will leverage this data to improve campaign targeting and display the most relevant ads to shoppers. 

2 - Format overview and frequency

  • We accept CSV or TSV (comma- or tab-separated values) files

  • The header must be declared in the first row of the file and must be provided in lower case without spaces

  • Each line of the file should be a distinct store

  • Files can be uploaded to the Criteo FTP or SFTP, or downloaded from your own FTP, SFTP or http(s) servers by Criteo. Get in touch with your Criteo Account Strategist to agree the integration method that is best for you

  • We can support daily file updates. However, if information doesn’t change that often, just let us know when we need to ingest a new file

 3 - List of required fields