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Check your catalog imports

To monitor your product catalog imports, select Product Catalog from the navigation.

A successful import with a good number of recommended products ensures that your campaigns will show the most relevant products to each shopper, based on their browsing behavior and purchase history.

In the Product Catalog overview, you can:

  • View all previous imports, including when and how long each import took

  • View the status of previous imports, with the ability to force an import if your catalog was blocked

  • Identify any issues so you can pinpoint how to quickly troubleshoot your catalog


Understanding your catalog status 

Each catalog import line has a status icon associated with it:

  • Green: Your catalog was imported successfully. You can check the displayable and blocked products, which will contain up-to-date product information.

  • Yellow: Your import was blocked because comparing to your previous import, a significant number of products have been changed or deleted (meaning that the products are either no longer present in the catalog file, or don't contain all mandatory fields). This might be a normal change if the change was intentional. For example, a clothing brand might change their entire collection at the end of the season. If the change was expected, you can resume your catalog import by clicking on the “Force Import” button at the bottom of the blocked catalog's import entry. After forcing the import, your catalog will be updated with the data from your feed source. However, if the change was not intentional, rather caused by an error on your feed source or the server, you can wait for the next import without forcing the current one. The next import will again be compared with the previous successful import, and the regular imports will resume if we don’t detect a big discrepancy in the number of available products.

  • Red: An error occurred when we tried to import your catalog. Check your server settings as described below. If the problem persists, contact your account team to troubleshoot and fix the error.

Total vs. displayable products

With each import, you can see the total number of products in the catalog and the total number of displayable products. Displayable products are the number of eligible products found in your catalog and can be used across your Criteo campaigns.

There are a few reasons why products may not be displayable:

  • Non-recommendable: You may mark products as non-recommendable if you don’t want them to appear in your ads
  • Excluded/Blocked: This indicates products that are marked as "non-recommendable" within your catalog (either by you or based on Criteo rules) to comply with Criteo's regulations or were already excluded prior to your catalog import. Excluded products will not appear in Criteo ads
  • Adult: These products are marked by Criteo as adult or inappropriate products
  • Out of stock: Products are marked as out of stock
  • Missing mandatory fields: Products that are missing a product ID, name, product URL, and/or image URL will automatically be marked as non-recommendable in the catalog

You can check each catalog import to see the number of products not displayed and the reasons why.