What is a full-funnel marketing advertising campaign?

When marketers run ad campaigns, the goal is volume and to drive as much sales as possible.

However, every customer journey is different, and their ad experience should differ, too. Your customers discover, compare, and buy products across channels and devices, which means you need to know what customers want to buy and where and when they're ready to purchase.

When running a full-funnel advertising campaign, you can display relevant ads for every touchpoint in the customer journey.

There are three stages in the buyer journey: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion.

Here’s how your Criteo campaigns drive results across each stage.

  1. Awareness: Get noticed. Make your brand more visible.

With 1.9 billion active monthly shoppers passing through the Criteo network, we build profiles of the ideal shopper for your business. The top 1% of matches (totally new users) receive display ads to build awareness and drive traffic to your site.

Our direct access to 3500+ premium publishers means Criteo ads get placed before others on the top-tier publisher and media sites.


  1. Consideration: Get traffic. Drive high-value prospects to your website and app.

The Criteo AI Engine analyzes data from over 1 billion transactions every month. We show ads to high-value prospects based on browsing & buying behavior.

Intelligent product recommendations mean your ads automatically feature the products most likely to trigger visits and engagement. Flexible targeting allows you to build audiences from Criteo’s commerce data set or your prospect and customer lists.


  1. Conversion: Get sales. Encourage interested people to buy.

With over 1.5B+ cross-device IDs matched across 120+ buyer intent signals on 35B+ daily shopping events, we show hyper-relevant ads with the highest likelihood of conversion.

Criteo retargeting ads deliver a 13x return on Ad spend by showing special deals and offers wherever shoppers go next. Dynamic ads can also bring app users back. Criteo can close the loop between your physical store and your website by showing ads to your offline customers based on offline shopping behavior.