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Feature a product set in an ad

Once created, you can apply a product set to an ad to focus on the most important products for your business and your audiences.

Filter by product set

When filtering by product set, only products that belong to that product set are displayed in the ad.

For example, a product set made of all items having the field “Category 1 equal to Shoes” is used as a filter in one of your ads. As a result, only shoe items will be featured in this ad.

Boost a product set

When boosting a product set, you increase the likelihood of products that belong to that set showing up in your ads.

For example, a product set made of discounted products is boosted in one of your ads. As a result, discounted products relevant to your audience will be given a higher priority and will show up more often in your ad. Non-discounted products may also appear when relevant for the users.

The intensity of the boost can be selected. The higher the intensity, the more likely products from the selected product set will appear in your ads.

Here are some examples of products that can be promoted by boosting a product set:

  • New arrival products

  • Highly rated products

  • High stock or low stock products

  • Back in stock

  • Flash sales

Combining “Filter by” and “Boost” a product set

In a given ad you can filter by a product set and boost another set simultaneously.

For example, in your ad, you can decide to only show products from your product set “Shoes” made of all items having the field “Category 1 equal to Shoes”

In addition to this rule, you can boost products from the product set “New arrivals”, which includes all recent items added to your catalog.

As a result, only Shoes will be featured and shoes that were recently added to the catalog will have an increase in visibility.

Advanced product filters

The "Advanced product filters" section allows you to customize and refine the products displayed in your dynamic and showcase ads. Criteo’s dynamic creative optimization and product recommendation engines are trained to maximize performance to your ad set’s objective, these controls support cases where you may wish to have more control over the products a user will see, within your ads.

There are three options to refine the products people will see in your ads that can be used alone, or in combination:

Filter by product set

This option enables you to specify a set of products that should be displayed in the ad.

Only the products belonging to this set will be shown, ensuring the ad focuses on a particular selection of items.

Boost a product set

With this option, you can increase the likelihood of products from a specific set being shown in the ad.

The recommendation engine will prioritize displaying products from that set by boosting the set, increasing their visibility and exposure in the ads.

Single brand or category recommendations

With the single brand or category recommendations, you can ensure that the products displayed in each banner are limited to one brand or category that is most relevant to each individual shopper.

By filtering out unrelated brands or categories, the ad offers a more coherent and tailored experience to the shopper.

These advanced product filters provide flexibility and control in selecting and curating the products that appear in your ads. By utilizing these options, you can provide a more focused and streamlined shopping experience to your audience.

Example use case

  • An online shoe retailer has just started stocking a new brand of footwear and is hoping to get new traffic to their site from users who are interested in running shoes from that brand.  

  • This advertiser might try:

    • Creating a product set that only includes products from the new brand.

    • Creating a product set that limits products to “running shoes” which they have as a category 2 option in their catalog.

  • After the product sets have been created, they can be used to refine the products displayed in this retailer’s Traffic ad set which targets a Prospecting audience by:

    • Filter by product set - With product set A by connecting it to the dynamic ad that is live with their Traffic ad set, limiting the products that will display to only those of the new brand.

    • Boost a product set - With product set B, by connecting it to the same dynamic ad, ensuring running shoes will be displayed more within the dynamic ads.