Learn more about attributes

The table below outlines the available attributes, authorized operation, available values, and their definitions.

Attribute name

Authorized operation

Available value


Customer type


Buyers > All buyers

All time buyers on your website or app

Buyers > Multi-time buyers

People who made several transactions

Buyers > One-time buyers

People who made only one transaction

Buyers > Recent buyers

People who bought from your website or app less than 30 days ago

Visitors > Dormant Visitors

People that last visited your website or app over 60 days ago

Visitors > Lapsed Visitors

People that last visited your website or app between 30 - 60 days ago

Visitors > Recent Visitors

People that last visited your website or app less than 30 days ago

Visitors > Visitors

All time website or app visitors (excluding buyers)

Other > Abandoned Cart

People who added something to their cart but did not proceed with the transaction

Last visit




Absolute date range

Choose to include users who took an action during an exact date range using a date picker. For example, include users who took an action between "2021-11-20" and "2021-12-20".

Relative date range

Define the number of dates for a rolling date range. For example, set the rule to include users who took an action in the last 7 days (“before”) or in the last 7-14 days (“between”).

Note: the day you selected is included in the range (i.e. less than 7 days is updated hourly and includes day 7)

Last purchase




Absolute date range

Choose to include users who took an action during an exact date range using a date picker. For example, include users who took an action between "2021-11-20" and "2021-12-20".

Relative date range

Define the number of dates for a rolling date range. For example, set the rule to include users who took an action in the last 7 days (“before”) or in the last 7-14 days (“between”).

Note: the day you selected is included in the range (i.e. less than 7 days is updated hourly and includes day 7)

Browsing environment


App Android

Include only events that occurred within the app environment on Android devices

App iOS

Include only events that occurred within the app environment on iOS devices


Include only events that occurred within the web environment


Users who


Include users who completed a visit event + additional parameters defined within the advanced builder


Include users who completed a purchase event + additional parameters defined within the advanced builder

Abandoned cart

Include users who added an item to the advertiser’s cart and did not return to complete their purchase + additional parameters defined within the advanced builder


All pages

Users who visited any page on the advertiser’s website or app

Home page

Users who visited the home page of an advertiser’s website or app

Product page

Users who visited a product page of an advertiser’s website or app

Listing page

Users who visited a listing page of an advertiser’s website or app

Basket page

Users who visited the basket page of an advertiser’s website or app


All categories from partner’s feed

Include users who have visited a specific category or categories of products on your website or app.

Note: this only applies to advertisers who pass Criteo product categories within their product catalog. If no categories are shared in the catalog we will only display the generic option “All”

Time period


  • After

  • Before

  • Between


  • Less than

  • More than

  • Between

Absolute date range

Choose to include users who took an action during an exact date range using a date picker. For example, include users who took an action between "2021-11-20" and "2021-12-20".

Relative date range

Define the number of dates for a rolling date range. For example, set the rule to include users who took an action in the last 7 days (“less than 7 days ago”) or in the last 7-14 days (“between 7-14 days ago”).

Note: the day you selected is included in the range (i.e. less than 7 days is updated hourly and includes day 7)

Price range

Minimum value

Define the minimum price range of the category or section the user has interacted with

Maximum value

Define the maximum price range of the category or section the user has interacted with