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Password settings

When you are invited by email to create your user account to access Commerce Growth, you must choose a password.

This password must be compliant with our security requirements:

  • At least 8 characters (max 40)

  • A lowercase letter

  • An uppercase letter

  • A special character

  • A number

How to reset your password?

To reset your password in case you've forgotten your password:

  • Access

  • Enter the email address you use to connect to Commerce Growth

  • At the password input stage, click Forgot password?

  • Click Send verification email to receive a security code in your business mailbox

  • Enter the security code and click confirm

  • Choose a new password that should meet Criteo’s password requirements and Login

How to change your password?

To reset your password, on the bottom-left corner, in the Commerce Growth left side-bar:

  1. Click on your username

  2. On the Personal Settings page, Click Edit your account

  3. Under the Password field, click Change your password link

  4. check your business mailbox as Criteo will send you an email titled Change your Criteo password

  5. Click the Change password button within the email

  6. Choose a new password that should meet Criteo’s password requirements

Trouble logging in?

If you're having trouble logging in with your password, here are three possible solutions: 

  1. New to Criteo? First access to Commerce Growth is by invitation only.

    • Check your mailbox and click the Create User Account link received in Criteo's invitation email titled You've been invited to join a team.

    • You'll be asked to:

      • Register with your first and last name

      • Choose a password

  2. Check the email address you have entered for any errors.

  3. If you are trying to log in with an unknown email address. Please contact us here.